Gas and Service stations


Ah, are there really that many stations 09.27.1957
Al HIrsch loses finger to fan belt @ station on E 160 hwy 04.16.1940.jpg
Art Lewis Apco station opening special of 2 cents off 06.06.1958
Art Lewis Station has fire 02.14.1959
Baker's Sinclair Station & Snack Shop 04.28.1962
Barnsdall Serv Sta purchased by Hylton from Snorgrass 12.27.1928
Barnsdall Serv Sta sold by Ed Hylton to Youngs 07.18.1929
Barnsdall Serv Sta SW  corner of Lamar sq 00.00.39
Barnsdall Serv Sta SW corner of 160 & 71 00.00.39
Blue Top Station Harley Hagins 04.24.57
Bro Adams leases station & cafe to Sinclair Oil 03.26.1960
Brown's Standard Service 02.11.1959
Brown's Standard Service 04.22.1959
Burl Williams sells Apco sta to Charley Nettleton 07.06.1961
Calhoun's Phillips 66 Station 06.24.1959
Carlyle's Station Lamar Heights meeting 03.06.1959
Carlyle's Station--election polling place 03.25.1958
Carter's Station (Bro Adams) 160 & 71 06.26.1961 
Cities Service Clements 1.5M W of 71 on 126 03.11.55
Cities Service Dean Owen 405 W 12th 06.23.55
Cities Service Dean Owen 405 W 12th 06.28.55
Cities Service Dean Owen 405 W 12th 07.16.55
Cities Service Dean Owen 405 W 12th 09.06.57 
Cities Service--Dean Owen (R) & Bill Johnson (L) 00.00.1955
Cities Service--Dean Owen 405 W 12th 10.02.1959
Cities Service--Dean Owen Grand Opening 06.27.1955
Cities Service--Harvey Ford does motor tune-ups 06.23.1955
Cities Service--Harvey Ford gives Eagle Stamps 07.18.1961 
Clow's Serv Sta--phone 164 03.28.1929
Combs Conoco Station 09.01.1962
Conoco Serv Sta--12th  & Maple James Flesch 06.27.60
Conoco Serv Sta--Tractor tire sale 04.07.1960
Conoco Serv Sta--Bud McCulley & Bob Blanchard operators 11.04.1960
Conoco Serv Sta--J Jones sells to James Flesch 02.25.1960
Conoco Serv Sta--Jack Jones operator 12th & Maple 09.06.57
Conoco Serv Sta--Jack Purinton 12th & Maple 05.06.55
Conoco Serv Sta--Jack Purinton 12th & Maple 11.27.53
Conoco Serv Sta--James Flesch 1 yr anniv 12.16.54 
Conoco Serv Sta--Purinton Grd Opening 12.18.1953
Conoco Serv Sta--Purinton sells to Jones 12th & Maple 11.29.1956
Conoco Serv Sta--seasons greetings from Jack Jones 12.21.1957
Conoco Serv Sta--Touraide day @ Jones 06.25.1959.jpg
Derby Sta--M G McFerrin operator E Hwy 160 09.10.1959
Derby Station--Harvey & Sons 705 E 12th St 07.19.1960
Dixcel Filling Sta--Kramer & Kleeman 905 Gulf 11.11.43
Dixcel Filling Sta--McAdow sells 112 E 10th 06.04.37
Dixcel Filliing Station 905 Gulf St 00.00.39
DX Serv Sta & DX Bulk Agt wish Merry Christmas 12.24.1960
DX Serv Sta--Aaron Gardner operator 1101 Gulf 00.00.55
DX Serv Sta--Aaron Gardner operator 1101 Gulf 01.02.55
DX Serv Sta--Aaron Gardner operator 1101 Gulf 01.03.55
DX Serv Sta--Aaron Gardner sells to M & W Pennington 06.21.55
DX Serv Sta--automotive work & road service ad 12.26.1972
DX Serv Sta--D Parks sells to Chuck Miller 09.14.1960
DX Serv Sta--destroyed by fire 12.20.1962
DX Serv Sta--Dwight Parks operator S W corner of sq 05.01.1959
DX Serv Sta--Flesch & Little 06.18.53
DX Serv Sta--Gerry Miller operator 1101 Gulf 08.10.62
DX Serv Sta--Ihm's Garage & Body Shop has everything 10.22.1957
DX Serv Sta--James Flesch 1101 Gulf St 05.10.50
DX Serv Sta--James Flesch operator1101 Gulf  00.00.51
DX Serv Sta--James Flesch operator 1101 Gulf  09.23.54
DX Serv Sta--Jim Braswell operator 12.24.1959
DX Serv Sta--Jim Braswell takes over from Parks 09.03.1959
DX Serv Sta--Leo Wilhelm operator 04.29.1958
DX Serv Sta--Leo Wilhelm operator 02.12.1958
DX Serv Sta--Leo Wilhelm takes over from Mac & Joe 11.19.1957
DX Serv Sta--Mac & Joe 1101 Gulf 09.06.1952
DX Serv Sta--Mac & Joe S W corner of square 09.17.1957
DX Serv Sta--Malcolm & Chism 1101 Gulf  01.17.57
DX Serv Sta--Malcolm & Chism 1101 Gulf 09.25.56
DX Serv Sta--Marion Elswick 12th & Maple 10.13.1972
DX Serv Sta--Marti & Flesch 1101 Gulf 02.28.50
DX Serv Sta--Mid Continent DX Station being built 12.16.47
DX Serv Sta--Mid Continent DX Station construction starts 10.24.47
DX Serv Sta--Pennington Bros 1101 Gulf  02.27.56
DX Serv Sta--Pennington Bros 1101 Gulf  03.20.56
DX Serv Sta--Pennington Bros S W corner of sq 06.22.55
DX Serv Sta--Wilhelm sells DX station to Parks 02.25.1959
DX Super Serv Sta--Freeman Bob Marti 04.23.1948
DX Super Serv Sta--Marti tire sale 08.13.1948
DX Super Serv Sta--Martis sell to J Flesch 12.30.49
Fowler APCO sta--Burl Williams takes over 01.21.1961
Fowler APCO sta--Fowler rents Art Lewis station 08.27.1959
Fowler APCO sta--on W 160 hwy robbed 07.11.1960
Fowler sta---free gallon jugs for gas 05.12.1958
Fowler sta--Gas, Auto Acc, fishing & hunting lic 07.15.1960
Fowler sta--Remington shotgun on display 08.04.1959
Fowler sta--Flying A & Apco 4 quick service 11.06.1959
Fowlers buy Home Oil Station from F O Mayo 10.23.1957
Fowlers Flying A sta--63 hrs continuous oper Mem day 05.28.1958
Fowlers Home Oil--Flying A gasoline & free candy 4 kids 05.12.1958
Fowlers Home Oil--free ice cream 4 kids 07.23.1959
Fowlers Home Oil--free movie tickets along w other freebies 06.13.1958
Fowlers Home Oil--premixed 2 cyc gas 03.13.1959
Fowlers Home Oil--Santa & free candy 4 kids 12.22.1958
Fowler's station 12th & Cherry 08.17.1962
Gas War comes to Lamar 02.08.1962
Gas War is over price up to 31.9cts 08.11.1962
Gas War price dropped to 23.9cts 07.13.1962 
Gawthrop Station--located N of 71 & 160 jct burglarized 10.11.1957
Gray's Service Sta sells to Pioneer Oil 405W 12th 03.05.55                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Home Oil Co station--C Miller sells to Freeman Woody 08.11.1955
Home Oil Co--160 & Cherry 00.00.1957
Home Oil Co Louie Bishop 160 & Cherry 09.06.57
Home Oil Sta Miller & Son 160 & Cherry 12.11.53
Home Serv Sta 10.02.53
Hurlburt Sta--wreck at station 4 mi W on 160 Hwy 04.30.1958
Ihm sells station @ Jct to Baldwin 03.07.1944.jpg
Irwin Station--Bartlett sells to Werts 01.10.36
J O Calhouns Phillips 66 Station 04.27.1961
J O Calhouns Phillips 66 Station 05.11.1962
Jack's Serv Sta 71 & 160 07.29.47
Jack's Serv Sta RR1 09.06.57
Jess's Derby Station 03.21.1959
Jess's Derby Station--E on 160 Hwy 05.13.1958 
Joe Ball's Filling station 06.09.1939 
Liberty Comfort St renovation 03.14.1939
Liberty Comfort Sta SE corner of 71 & 160 jct 00.00.30
Miller's D-X Station 11th & Gulf 06.22.1962
OK Rubber Welders 00.00.53
Paul Bartlett's Garage & Station @ Irwin corner plus food 01.26.1928.jpg 
Phillips 66 sta--Barney Eagon & Pete Day on motorcycles 00.00.00
Phillips 66 sta--Barney Eagon's new station 71 & 160 05.30.50
Phillips 66 sta--Doug Mallory grand opening 10.16.1958
Phillips 66 sta--Doug Mallory letter of introduction 10.07.1958
Phillips 66 sta--Eagon's station & Corner Cash Groc 00.00.00 
Phillips 66 sta--free gas coupon 05.23.1929
Phillips 66 sta--Hagins & Stephens 09.03.46
Phillips 66 sta--Harley Hagins Blue Top Station 03.23.1959
Phillips 66 sta--on E side 4 sale--see Earl Beatty 06.02.1961
Phillips 66 sta--on N Gulf gives free gas 05.23.1929
Phillips 66 sta--painter falls from ladder @ new station 08.14.1958.jpg
Phillips 66 sta--Phil James new owner operater 10.15.1962
Phillips 66 sta--Phil James sells sta to Masterson 12.19.1962
Phillips 66 sta--purchase Bill King property 4 new station 03.14.1958
Phillips 66 station on N Gulf had big day 05.30.1929
Prairie Center Apco sta and cafe giving Gold Bond stamps 12.23.1959
Prairie Center sold by Hylton to Simon of Pittsburg Ks 07.18.1939
Quillin Serv Sta 802 Gulf 00.00.40 
Ron's Apco 803 W 12th 01.06.73
Ron's Apco 803 W 12th Ron Berryhill 09.28.72
Ron's Apco soda pop ad 12.29.1972
Roy Rakestraw Sta 900 W 12th 1940-1951
Roy Rakestraw Sta 904 W 12th 00.00.35
Roy Rakestraw Sta W 12th info 1935-1951
Service station for lease ad 10.24.1958
Service sta for lease w cafe--jct 160 & 71 hwys .06.18.1958 
Shell Service Station 160 & Broadway Bob Wirts 00.00.00
Sinclair Serv Sta--201 W 12th 03.26.56 
Sinclair Serv Sta--201 w 12th 09.06.57
Sinclair Serv Sta--201 W 12th 10.16.57
Sinclair Serv Sta--201 W 12th B Smith 02.06.51 
Sinclair Serv Sta--201W 12th Bill Smith 05.11.56
Sinclair Serv Sta--201 W 12th Bill Smith 07.27.56
Sinclair Serv Sta--201 W 12th Bill Smith 10.15.56
Sinclair Serv Sta--201 W 12th Dean York 07.05.54
Sinclair Serv Sta--201 W 12th Webb buys out Stahl 09.23.49
Sinclair Serv Sta--area dealers have spec offer 10.27.1959
Sinclair Serv Sta--B Gilbert turns oper over to Carl Wills 01.22.52
Sinclair Serv Sta--Bill Smith 12th & Gulf 03.01.57
Sinclair Serv Sta--B Smith Special 04.27.56 
Sinclair Serv Sta--Don Cockrell takes over from Bill Smith 03.04.1958
Sinclair Serv Sta--Fields & Dumm take over from M Robertson 08.01.1958
Sinclair Serv Sta--Fields & Dumm operators 02.24.1959
Sinclair Serv Sta--Frock Bros 71 & 160 jct 02.24.1959
Sinclair Serv Sta--Frocks @ Jct 160 & 71 01.19.1960.jpg
Sinclair Serv Sta--Goodyear tire sale 03.26.1958
Sinclair Serv Sta--Jacks @ Hwy 71 & 160 07.29.47.jpg
Sinclair Serv Sta--M&M trk stop @ 71 & 160 4 sale 03.24.1961.jpg
Sinclair Serv Sta--Melvin Robertson new operator 04.10.1958
Sinclair Serv Sta--Melvin Robertson operator ad 03.15.1960
Sinclair Serv Sta--Melvin Robertson operator ad 12.18.1959
Sinclair Serv Sta--Robertson has free car was w oil chg 05.15.1958
Sinclair Serv Sta--Smith file non payment suit 03.18.1958
Sinclair Station Stahl to sell to Webb 09.09.49
Sinclair Serv Sta--Webb & Stahl operators 03.04.47 
Skeeter's Apco 02.19.1959
Skelly Serv Sta--300 W 12th Clyde Osborn 08.31.71
Skelly Serv Sta--Doug Bartlett 12th & Cherry 08.23.72
Skelly Serv Sta--E 160 Hwy Hull & Holt 06.22.1972 
Skelly Serv Sta--Earl Pattison 05.24.55
Skelly Serv Sta--Grd Opening J Flesch 12th & Cherry 03.10.55
Skelly Serv Sta--James Flesh 12th & Cherry 01.17.1958
Skelly Serv Sta--James Flesch 12th & Cherry 03.20.56
Skelly Serv Sta--James Flesch 300 W 12th 01.04.57 
Skelly Serv Sta--James Flesch 800 W 12th (hwy 160) 11.11.1958
Skelly Serv Sta--James Flesch to Nebraska for Skelly 03.26.1959
Skelly Serv Sta--Marion Elswick 12th & Cherry 06.27.60
Skelly Serv Sta--Marion Elswick 12th & Cherry 08.11.1959
Skelly Serv Sta--Marion Elswick 12th & Cherry ad 01.07.1960
Skelly Serv Sta--Marion Elswick replaces Flesch 04.17.1959
Skelly Serv Sta--Vaughn Deay 12th & Cherry 10.03.72
Skelly Serv Sta--James Flesch 12th & Cherry 12.30.54
Standard Serv Sta--Charles Woirhaye new operator 02.25.1960
Standard Oil Co--Charle Woirhaye--Atlas tires 4 sale 08.02.1960
Standard Serv Sta--Clyde Whyman operator 10.04.1962
Standard Oil Sta--Elliott & Stonum 01.18.1917
Standard Oil Sta--future site 1109 Gulf 10.19.51
Standard Oil Sta--Herbert Medlin gets kidnapped 08.01.1929
Standard Oil Sta--Steve Stevens 12th & Gulf 09.07.72 
Standard Serv Sta new mgr is Clarence Ihm 04.15.1952 
Standard Serv Sta--1109 Gulf Ihms Grd Opening p1 05.00.52
Standard Serv Sta--1109 Gulf Ihms Grd Opening p2 05.00.52
Standard Serv Sta--1109 Gulf Ihms Grd Opening p3 05.00.52
Standard Serv Sta--1109 Gulf Ihms 12.16.52
Standard Serv Sta--1109 Gulf Mustain's01.14.55
Standard Serv Sta--1109 Gulf St DDT bombs 07.22.47
Standard Serv Sta--1109 or 1111 Gulf 00.00.51
Standard Serv Sta--1111 Gulf 04.15.52
Standard Serv Sta--1115 Gulf St--Ed McKee mgr 00.00.00
Standard Serv Sta--free stamps ad 03.30.1960
Standard Serv Sta--get acquainted ad 03.01.1960
Standard Serv Sta--Lamar's best located station 4 lease 01.29.1958
Standard Serv Sta--Pekins--disc on Atlas tires 08.01.1958
Standard Serv Sta--Steves has complete automotive work 12.26.1972
Standard Serv Sta--SW corner of Gulf & 12th 00.00.30
Standard Serv Sta--Wm Ketron 1109 Gulf 10.19.56 
Standard Serv Sta--Wm Ketron operator 1109 Gulf 08.01.56
Standard Serv Sta--Wm Ketron operator 12th & Gulf 01.11.1957
Standard Serv Sta--Wm Ketron operator leaving Lamar 12.31.1957
Standard Serv Sta--Woirhaye's spring change ad 03.22.1960
Sunset Filling Sta--Ed Wagaman 71 hwy 05.29.36
Sunset Serv Sta--71 hwy S 00.0039
Talbott Station @ 160 and 43 burglarized 02.22.1958.jpg 
Talbott Station 04.16.1959
Taylor Oil Co--Big Tire Sale 100 W 12th  06.15.48
Taylor Oil Co--Kanotex Gasoline 100 W 12th 10.30.53
Taylor Oil Co--noted fisherman 100 W 12th 01.21.55 
Texaco Serv Sta--71 & 160 jct free wash job w lube & oil 07.22.1968
Texaco Serv Sta--Marion Elswick 12th & Maple 04.06.77
Texaco Serv Sta--Marion Elswick 12th & Maple 06.08.77
Thanksgiving Day Serv stations closures 11.22.49
U Serve & Save Gas & Oil 405 W 12th 00.00.00
Young's Oil Station E 160 Hwy 05.17.64
Young's Serv Sta 206 W 12th 01.17.50
Young's Serv Sta 206 W 12th 03.10.50